Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Masters in Public Health Programs and Accreditation

There exist several hundred colleges in the US that provide masters in public health programs. The welfare and continued good health of the community is the primary intent of the training found in these masters in public health programs. Of course, those seeking one should be certain to look for a program that has CEPH accreditation.

What is CEPH? How can it benefit you to select exclusively form universities with accreditation? The types of programs the CEPH or Council on Education for Public Health accredits are indicated in its full name.

It is crucial to ensure that the program you enter has been accredited. For schools of public health, all degrees offered by the school must be accredited as a single entity. It is necessary to inquire at the academy if you are interested in a higher-level course and are not sure if theirs has been accredited.

Do not confuse CEPH accreditation with the regional one. It is possible to possess one without the other, as one covers general subjects and the other specialized ones. Regional accreditation is concerned with a more general view of the body to be accredited.

The concentrated nature of the CEPH's accreditation makes it an excellent way to tell just how good the preparation in a program is. It shall be observed that other accrediting bodies exist for specific fields. It is the CEPH, then, that deals with accreditation for universities and degrees in the public health discipline.

The body accredits both institutions and their programs, although not necessarily together. It is obvious that they differ from each other in that a university poses a selection of programs, as opposed to the individual program which is the only consideration in its case. Schools should also offer at the very least the five masters in public health core areas.

In contrast, a program up for accreditation need not offer more than one degree. Still, programs often offer students the choice of specializing in a number of areas. In addition, schools should offer doctoral programs, while MPH programs are not obliged to.

There is an assurance of quality with the accreditation of the CEPH. Health Services Administration and Biostatics are merely twe of the main specializations in this field. And if you do desire to move beyond the masters, you can do it with the doctor's level studies in these accredited institutions.

It is possible to ask your institution to assist in getting your credits transferred, among other things. Students who have performed well in their academies benefit a great deal from the aid of their academies later on. Graduates are also qualified to sit for the Public Health Certification examination, conducted by the National Board of Public Health Examiners (NBPHE).

Those in masters in public health programs with accreditation also have the benefit of an edge over their competition in the job market. Keep in mind that this also qualifies you for many fellowships sponsored by the government. The colleges with accreditation also tend to offer the best support systems for degree-takers.

When looking for helpful information about master's degrees, hitting the link will help.