Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to Lose Weight Without Major Changes to Your Lifestyle

If you demand of someone how to lose weight, he will probably tell you what everyone else typically will. The usual chorus consists of being active, cutting down on your intake, etcetera. You may well be wondering if there are other things you might attempt.

To that end, you can try a number of offbeat techniques to supplement the usual things. These ideas cannot be called unhealthy ones, fortunately. They can definitely assist you in your progress.

First off, you may want to consider the colour of your plates. Bizarre though it may sound, it is in fact something to think about. Recent studies from Europe have indicated that people may eat less from a plate that is coloured red instead of blue.

This is not yet a final scientific fact, of course, but the theory suggests that it can help you stay on your diet to use red flatware. Dish size could also be brought down. This involves an illusion that can help you feel that you are eating more, if you are on a diet that reduces how much food you take in.

So, when you bring down meal size, you notice it immediately if you use the same old utensils and dining ware. The trick is to trade the old plates for smaller ones for a better visual effect. The awareness of your diet shall be unlikely to dampen the effect of this tactic.

You can also try drinking a lot of cold water or eating cold food, like cold soups and chilled fruit. Research has shown that the body expends a little extra energy in trying to warm cold food when it is being processed by the digestive system. Sure, a few glasses of cold water will not burn a lot of calories, but it can help.

Try to take on a diet rich in fibre. The orange is a wonderful fruit that can help a lot of dieters. More energy goes into the digestion of oranges than most foods.

One could also try putting up a sort of calendar where one works to help stay on the program. Some psychologists say that an individual will do something less and less if he is told repeatedly (or reminded) of when he last did it. Marking your own slip-ups on the calendar can help you greatly in this effort.

Alternatively, mark the last time you ate fast food or junk food on it. The best thing to do is to use a red marker for this purpose. Every slip should be reason for you to work even harder.

Ultimately, how well you do when it comes to how to lose weight will be based on your ability to stick to the plan. You shall certainly find it easier to lose weight if you have sufficient motivation to see all your strategies through. Those who cannot even follow through on a minor program are least likely to succeed.