Thursday, July 26, 2012

New Nutritional Supplements You Need To Check Out: Prevagen

Is it getting more and more difficult to comprehend new lessons or memorize the notes you have for exams? This phenomenon is called cognitive deficiency and it is becoming an increasingly common occurrence. The brain works constantly without taking any breaks or rests and this is why it needs to be regularly maintained.

Although cognitive deficiency is usually temporary, it is still a very frustrating thing to go through but it can be solved by taking the right dietary supplements. People have always said that a good diet which includes all the right components will do enough for your body. You should keep in mind that contrary to popular belief, a balanced diet will not adequately provide the body with all the nutrients it needs.

Brain supplements specifically target cognitive functions by providing nutrients that improve a person's mental faculties. The nutrients contained in brain supplements often come from the food you eat every day. Brain supplements complete, improve and strengthen your brain by supplying the necessary nutrients needed to enhance its function.

Neuro-protective elements have been discovered recently and they are being incorporated into various supplements. One unexpected source for these nutrients would be deep-sea dwelling jellyfish where Apoaequorin is taken. Scientists learned that a protein present in these jellyfish give them the ability to glow as it binds with calcium ions which are also present in humans.

At first, the body produces enough calcium binding proteins which protect cells from calcium overload but as each individual progress into their thirties the production lessens. Prevagen has Apoaequorin which is supported by brain research supplements that offer the compound in a form that can be easily absorbed by the body. The product is safe to use in conjunction with other supplements and you also don’t have to worry about any side effects.

Apoaequorin is recognized as a ‘calcium-binding protein’ that is important for the calcium regulation process in the nerve cells. With each tablet containing 10 mg of Apoaequorin, cell damage decreases significantly as the protein acts on the calcium in cells. Cell damage occurs as people age because of the decrease in calcium binding proteins.

Furthermore, it goes a long way in helping restore the body's internal balance and it also targets memory problems that many people encounter as they age. What is remarkable with this brain supplement is that the active ingredient Apoaequorin has a remarkable resemblance to the calcium-binding protein that the human body produces. It has also been proven to be an appropriate replacement for the diminishing production of protective proteins lost due to aging.

Laboratory tests show that the supplement was able to protect up to 50 percent of cells from dying out because of calcium overload. With its neuroprotective abilities, the supplement regenerates dying brain cells and boosts the production of other proteins necessary for the body. Since the brain controls your body, it is safe to say that improving its health and functioning also translates to boosting your body's general performance.

Aging is inevitable, and this process is behind major changes that occur on the cellular level. In brain cells the change involves the decrease of essential calcium binding proteins. The resulting increase of calcium ions interfere with the brain's learning functions on cognition and memory.

The problem is no readily available food source can provide these specific calcium binding proteins. Vegetables and fruits should be part of any healthy diet but no link has been found to connect this food source with an increase in calcium building protein. Only Prevagen is supported by various brain research supplements in providing an essential protein necessary for optimum brain function. Read reviews about Prevagen. Dig deeper here.