Every year, mobile networks offer smartphone upgrades, which means about 80 million redundant phones sit inside the drawer or in the dark parts of the house collecting dust after each upgrade. Read more and discover how you can earn money by recycling your outdated smartphone. Phone recycling websites are a veritable source of up to £150 income for each phone.
Old phones will be taken by mobile recycling companies, which will pay you a fair amount. You can discover how much the company will pay for your phone model by just visiting their website. They will send you a jiffy bag that you can return freepost.
Recycling mobile phone offers a better paying deal than street 'trade ins' that most people seem to prefer. It is important that any recyclable phone should still be in working order with their original batteries and with slightest marring, if any. The phone chargers are recyclable as well.
Remove the phone's memory card and SIM, charge the phone, switch it off, and then send them to your chosen recycling company. Any pin codes must be disabled by resetting the factory settings of the phone. In the very slim chance that your phone model gets rejected, you may choose to have your phone returned or to accept the offered bargain price.
For the best offers and rates for your phone, you can only find them in the best mobile recycling comparison site online. An array of rates from phone buyers and recycling companies will allow you to choose and compare among the most lucrative offers. Get the most money by picking the best deal.
Read on to know more about how the phone recycling comparison operates. You just have to first type your phone model into the search box to find your phone. You will now see the comparison tables which you can use to compare the price offers made by mobile phone buying companies.
Complete your order by choosing a satisfying offer made by any mobile phone buying company. Don't forget to include your contact details and to follow the directions in sending your mobile phone to your chosen buyer. Once the phone is received by the phone buyer, wait for the voucher to arrive or wait for your payment.
Some phone buying companies offer reduced prices for damaged or non-working phones. Consider your phone as damaged if it has active phone locks or broken casings and no amount will be paid for phones which has blank screens and severe physical or water damage. Marking the box named 'damaged' will help you look for that elusive best quote.
Organizing your spaces is not the only reason you should get rid of old, no-longer-useful phones. Substances that leak out from old phones such as cadmium and beryllium may contaminate water systems and damage the environment. You still have to discard outdated phones the proper way even if you won't be financially rewarded for it.
Comparing phone recycling quotes online is not your one and only option. Even if they are convenient, more cash may still be made by exerting effort and expanding your searches. Don't forget to check out Ebay when you are looking for interested buyers of old phones who can give you a reasonable percentage profit. Visit my fave blog to know how to earn by mobile phone recycling.